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Sighing, she tried to be as honest as she could afford to be. “We've heard only rumors. Villagers speak of trouble with knights and soldiers employed by Lord Robert, Sheriff of Derbyshire. Beware of the man. He has great ambitions and powerful friends,” she warned.
Lucian frowned at the dark, sinister tone in her soft, lilting voice. He stared at her long and hard. What was she leaving out? Wanting to inquire further, Lucian was distracted when Louie coughed lightly, seeking his attention. “What?"
"My lord, Sir Derrick wishes to know if you have need of me."
"Fetch me hot water. I wish to bathe before dinner,” Lucian instructed. Turning to speak with Eiry again, he was surprised to see she had disappeared. When did she leave? He grew uncomfortable thinking a woman capable of leaving without a sound.
The young man bobbed his head before rushing downstairs to do as he bid. Feeling wrung out, Lucian chose to rest in one of the chairs in front of the fireplace. Heavy, quilted blankets covered the hardwood frames, creating a comfort seen only in the Middle East. Admiring the bed, he imagined the love and care involved in creating such a work of art out of mere wood. Gazing about the luxurious chamber, he liked the thick, Persian rug carpeting the stone floor, adding warmth to the room. Sir Thomas loved his wife, Lucian surmised, seeing the obvious evidence in the expensive comfort the knight provided for her.
Relaxing his wary stance, Lucian felt pity rise again for the orphans placed in his care. The world was a cruel lot for the young woman and child he was now responsible for. His thoughts turned to Louie. There was something there, something solid between Eiry and the red-haired lad. His own interest in the girl increased, remembering the faint scent of lavender from her hair gave him a jolt of surprise when his body, long cold and dead, sprung to life. A long time had passed since he felt desire, amazed the serving girl caused him to feel again when the exotic women of the Middle East did nothing for him.
Resting his head back, Lucian no longer held back the worn out sigh of utter exhaustion. The last year had thoroughly drained him both spirit and faith. Sleep was desperately needed. Lucian would not admit even to Derrick he was afraid to close his eyes. Nightmares haunted him. The faces of the dead refused to leave him be. He had committed murder upon innocents, dealt out death and destruction, all in the name of God. How could he forgive himself when their eyes cursed him for what he'd done to them? A timid knock on the open door announced the child, Lilia, and for a short time breaking him free from the lingering torment.
Lilia bobbed a quick curtsy, trying very hard to hold onto the huge towels. Shy and unsure about being around him, she mumbled, “My apologies, Sir Knight, for bothering you, but Eiry asked me to bring these towels for your use."
The child spoke so softly he barely heard her. Rising from the chair, he took the offered towels. A rare, slight of a smile curved a mouth unused to such activity in the last three years. “My thanks for your thoughtfulness. I was ... Have you everything you need? Please, feel free to tell me if you need something purchased, and I shall send for it,” he offered awkwardly, unused to being around children, unsure what to do with a young girl whose future was entrusted to his care.
Her little, bow-shaped mouth dropped open in surprise. It took the child a moment to recover. “My lord, what shall I call you?"
Caught off guard by her direct question, Lucian squatted down, hoping not to scare the frail creature. “If you like, you are most welcome to call me Lucian."
A sweet smile of pure delight brightened Lilia's unusually colored eyes. “I think you have a lovely name, Lucian.” Shyly saying his name, she made to say more when she scrambled out of Louie's way as he hauled in buckets, followed by Derrick who carried in more.
Louie poured the hot water into the brass tub, smiling gratefully at Derrick who offered over his buckets. “My lord, I will return with more water.” He left, pushing a loudly protesting Lilia along with him.
"I find we are in quite a peculiar situation, don't you?” Derrick sighed. “To Louie's credit, the boy refused to be pitied. After much persistence, I learned his father was killed defending Sir Thomas and Lady Rowena. He and Eiry were left all alone to care for Lilia and the castle when the others fled."
Lucian stripped his woolen hose off. “I do believe we have just adopted two more orphans.” Stepping over the edge of the tub, he lowered his long frame into the hot water, relaxing in the over-sized tub, mindful of his bandages.
He could relate to what it felt like to be abandoned. If he had not met his friend, Derrick, when they were but nine he would have truly become the coldhearted killer the world thought him to be. Together, they faced the world. Lucian led, and Derrick followed, both unswerving in their loyalty to one another's friendship.
Wandering about the chamber, admiring the bed, Derrick looked askance at Lucian. “Alone, they have kept the only part of the castle not falling down in relative good shape. In the stables, there are two horses of excellent breeding."
"How were they able to obtain the horses? How can these children afford such luxury as fine mounts? Do you suppose they stole them?” Lucian asked, closing his eyes, the hot water soothed his aching muscles.
The quiet was broken when Louie sputtered in outrage, “Sir Thomas personally gave us those horses!” Louie dropped the buckets of water beside the tub, sloshing water onto the bricks before the fireplace.
Lazily opening one eye, Lucian steadily watched the red-faced boy, understanding the defiance. They didn't have much of anything left, and the horses provided freedom, a luxury not experienced by many. “Worry not of your horses. As you can see, we have no such need of more."
"If you have no further need of me, my lord, I shall go and help Eiry with supper.” He bowed formally to the knights and exited, closing the door firmly behind him.
"A bit on the defensive side, are they not?” Derrick commented, grinning at Louie's boldness.
Lucian wasn't as impressed. Washing the dried blood from his hair, he winced at the soreness of his injured shoulder when he rinsed off. “I will find out what happened here, and why we were to be eliminated today.” Anger burned white hot. The attack upon him and his men on the way to their new home made him furious.
Violence was something he wanted to leave in the past, desiring to start a fresh life. Since his arrival, he had met only more violence. It appeared he was going to have to exhibit some more if he wanted to find the answers to his many questions. First thing in the morning, he planned to speak with the sheriff, demanding the return of his prized sheep and rams.
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Chapter Three
Downstairs in the kitchen, Eiry hurried to get the bread dough in the oven. Running over to the fireplace, she checked on the roasting pig Louie killed earlier that day. Turning the spit, preventing the meat from burning, she looked up as Lilia and Louie came in and took up chores, helping her with dinner.
"How's our new guardian adapting?” Eiry brushed away a stray strand of hair out of her face, growing frustrated as the unruly mass was coming free, irritating her further.
"Fine. Is this all the ale we have?” Louie frowned at the lack of beverage to offer the knights. The small barrel he held was nearly empty.
"I think another barrel is hidden back in the pantry.” Eiry turned to Lilia. “Can you peel those red apples for me? I wish to make a cobbler.” Lilia's head bobbed eagerly and took up a paring knife and got to work.
Rummaging around, a shout of triumph was heard. “Found it!” He carried the chilled barrel into the hall, returning to help Lilia with her task.
Dusting the flour off her hands, Eiry grabbed the bowl containing their remaining turnips and began peeling them. “Do you think we have enough for a decent meal?"
What they prepared tonight would place a serious dent in their dwindling food supply. Worried, she glanced out the open window, seeing the stark landscape. Snow would soon come and with it would come the lack of travelers from which to rob. What monies fou
nd on the dead knights today would be split up later, and they would receive a small portion, after the starving peasants got first cut. At least they had the small garden she had salvaged from the previous owners. It had provided a small variety of hearty vegetables, and the orchard outside the walls had supplied apples, peaches, and cherries. Most of the harvest had already gone to the needy, and the precious rest went into the pantry for winter storage.
What was she to do about the newly arrived knights? How was she going to figure the brutal-looking men into Sanctuary's unsteady budget?
* * * *
Dressed in a fresh, black suede tunic and woolen hose, Lucien strode down the stairs. He nodded to his men who were enjoying a barrel of ale. They saluted him with cheers and raised cups. He tossed more chopped wood onto the fire, building it up to ward off the chill as the evening darkened outside. Derrick joined him and they went to the kitchen, searching for the girls and Louie. They found them as they were readying to carry the platters of steaming food into the hall. His eyes widened at the efficiency of which Eiry had worked in providing a decent meal for him and his men.
"Please allow us to help.” Derrick offered Eiry a charming smile. Taking the wooden platter stacked with cut sections of roasted pig from Eiry, he surprised her by his assistance.
Lucian glared and shot a sharp warning at his friend. He stepped between Eiry and Derrick, forcing his friend to stand back. She appeared confused by his intervention. Most likely by the rumors she had heard about him, Lucian thought with an inward grimace. A long time had passed since he let other peoples’ opinions affect him, having judged his own past actions more harshly than anyone else could have.
Laughing softly at Lucian's protective actions, Derrick ushered the little girl, Lilia, in front of him as she carried the large tray of dessert she proudly declared she helped make. Louie and Eiry grabbed platters laden with loaves of bread and crocks of butter, and a large bowl of boiled turnips. The knights rose to their feet, clapping their hands at the unexpected feast laid before them.
Wearing a ghost of a smile, Lucian sat at the head of the table. Without waiting for his men to sit and get comfortable, he reached for a thick slice of steaming bread but stilled in mid-motion when a child's soft voice rose above the loud laughter and conversations.
"Dear God, thank you for the wonderful food Eiry cooked tonight. I wanted also to thank-you for sending Lucian and Derrick and their brave men to us, giving aid in our hour of need. I knew you heard me when I asked you for help. Eiry didn't think you were listening, but I knew you were. Please keep our new family safe from the evil come to our land. And please give Lucian the strength to defeat the mean men who murdered Papa and Mama. Amen.” Lilia unclenched her hands and smiled brightly at Lucian.
Lucian and his men went completely silent. He watched in utter fascination as the golden-haired child spoke to God as if HE were a real person. His knights sat in awe by the lass and her unwavering faith, especially after all she had endured after her parents were murdered, living alone with a maid and stable boy. Staring down at the delicious food before him, Lucian's cold heart thawed a bit by the sweetness of the charming child.
The bitter sting of tears made Eiry blink back the wetness, turning away so none could see her pain. Loving her sweet sister for her kind and beautiful heart, she reached for the pitcher, pouring milk for Lilia, inadvertently lifting her gaze to the new lord of Sanctuary. Startled by the unexpected look of incredulity on the man's harsh features, she witnessed a visible softening in those cold, black eyes. While she was infamous for impulsive and reckless actions, Eiry found she was uncertain what to do with Lucian Martine.
The hour was late when supper was over. Eiry and Louie removed the dirty dishes and carried them into the kitchen. Louie passed back through the hall and outside. He returned with an armful of cut wood, setting his load beside the fire pit. Adding more logs to the fire, making the hall comfortably warm, they helped the knights move the tables and benches out of the way for them to spread their bedrolls out. When finished, he and Eiry went into the kitchen.
Eiry headed to the fireplace and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the handle of the cauldron of boiling water and took it off its hook and poured it into a tub filled with dirty dishes. She sat it on the ground and grabbed the bucket of cold water, adding it until the temperature was acceptable to wash the dishes. Taking a bar of lye soap, she worked it around with a coarse cloth until the hot water was brimming with suds. By the angry look on Louie's face warned her he wanted to speak with her.
Not ready to get into a fight, she diverted him. “Louie, would you mind starting a fire in Martine's and our chambers. I'm going to be here for a while."
Glaring at her, knowing full well what she was doing, he gave a nod. “Yea, I can. Goodnight, Eiry."
"Goodnight.” Grateful Louie did as she asked, Eiry went about washing the dishes. When she finished, she dried the plates and cups and put the items away. Eiry was unable to resist smiling when she saw Lilia dozing in a chair by the fire. She was about to pick her sister up when Martine entered the kitchen.
"I have a matter to confer with you.” His deep, resonating voice rumbled with authority.
"About what, my lord?"
"The castle is severely under staffed, and the rest of my men will be coming in a week to join us at Sanctuary. Can you find help in such short notice?"
"More?” Eiry gasped, “How many more men?"
His mouth usually flat with purpose, eased in a mocking smile. “Thirty more knights, their squires, and a small company of twenty archers. How is our food supply?” He grew concerned when Eiry abruptly sat down hard on a wooden stool with a stunned and panicked look.
Lord, what was she to tell the man there wasn't enough food? As Lilia would say, be honest. “My lord, what we served tonight would have lasted us a full month, maybe more. The food storage is now near to empty."
Lucian was momentarily speechless. Demanding angrily, “Why did you not speak earlier of your dire situation?” He stepped closer to her, glaring at down at her. “Your first duty was to inform me of the needs of the castle and young Lilia. Why have you not kept the cupboard filled for her sake?” Surprised by her refusal to cower, he grew fascinated as her dove-gray eyes darkened to a shade closer to pewter and she rose to stand her ground.
"You ask such a stupid question when you have seen with your own eyes how we live?” Eiry demanded in disbelief.
Her sharp words drew him up short. Never had anyone the audacity to speak to him in such a manner as this girl did! Mollified, Lucian decided to take a seat across from her, resting his elbows on the worn wood of the long table. “What happened here?” Lucian watched the proud, young woman cast a worried glance at the child who continued to sleep peacefully through their conversation.
"I should get Lilia upstairs. Do you wish me to assemble possible servants on the morrow?” Eiry asked, her demeanor suddenly respectful.
A dark eyebrow shot upward in surprise at the abrupt change of subject. “Yea, hire whoever is needed to aid you in running the castle. Tell them I will offer a fair wage in exchange for an honest day's work. Were any of the fields planted this year?"
A guilty flush crossed her beautiful features. “Sir Thomas died before the fields could be turned over and seeds planted."
"Well, it will have to wait until next spring. Once we have the servants established, I'll go into Derbyshire and purchase what we need to get us through the winter. Come, the hour is late, and we need to retire. On the morrow, I plan to speak with the sheriff about the sheep taken.” He rose to his feet and silently strode over to Lilia. Mindful of his stitches, he lifted the sleeping child effortlessly in his arms. Trying hard to remain stoic, his heart clenched when Lilia wrapped her thin arms around his neck, snoring lightly. Unused to children, he felt a protectiveness surge inside him for the helpless creature he held.
Eiry hesitated. “My lord, mayhap you should wait until all of your men have arrived to spea
k to Lord Robert."
"Why should I do that?"
Instead of replying, Eiry turned and led the way to Lilia's chamber. Holding the door open for him to enter the small chamber, Eiry watched as he laid Lilia on the narrow bed and pulled the heavy quilt snug around Lilia's thin form. Unexpected, his heart went out again to the sleeping child as he studied the innocent, golden-haired girl as she sighed happily, snuggling deeper under the cover. A pang of such incredible pain flashed inside him. Ignoring the longing of having a family of his own someday, he forced the emotions back. He did not deserve to have a family after what he'd done. Resigned to his fate, Lucian rose and turned around and took hold of Eiry's elbow, leading her firmly from the chamber. Closing the door quietly behind him, he faced Eiry as she frowned, bemused by his actions.
"Where do you sleep?” Lucian asked, allowing his gaze to warm with his thoughts as he viewed her womanly attributes.
"I—I sleep in the chamber next to Lilia's, my lord."
His lower region clenched with hot desire when she nervously licked her lips, her beautiful eyes wide and confused. With much regret, he realized she was afraid. “I profess quite readily of being a soulless bastard, but I give my word you have nothing to fear from me. Perhaps another time, when we are better acquainted we shall have this conversation again and in greater detail. Good night.” Sighing at the maid's obvious lack of interest, Lucian bowed at the waist before he strode to his new chamber, leaving her alone in the hall.
As he thought of her shapely body and ripe, firm breasts, his manhood swelled, growing harder. Startled, Lucian almost smiled, feeling once again his body coming to life when for so long he was impotent. Forcing his lustful thoughts aside, Lucian thought over the way Louie hovered possessively over Eiry whenever the girl was around him. Were the two involved? He surmised they must be. A woman as beautiful as Eiry need not remain alone, not with a body made for loving as hers obviously was.
Sighing, he knew if he were to command her companionship in bed, Eiry would be easy prey. No one would dare deny him as Lord of Castle Sanctuary, not if they wanted to be homeless. Shocked at the unbidden thought, he ran an uneasy hand through his hair. Had he truly become the bastard the world thought him to be? No! As long as he possessed a shred of honor, never would he order the girl into his bed. There were enough martyrs in the world without adding young Eiry to the long line.